Young Citizens Volunteer Guide

Everything you need to know about being a Young Citizens volunteer

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this aimed at?
This online guide will provide you with all the relevant information and advice to guide you along your volunteer journey. Whether you are a trustee, support our citizenship experiences, help to write our citizenship resources or assist with our internal operations, this guide will act as your primary tool to navigate your role as a volunteer with Young Citizens.
How long do I have access to the online guide?
You will have access for as long as you need. This guide should be used as a reference point throughout your volunteer journey. You can refer back to any important sections as and when you need to. However, it may be helpful to have an in-depth read through if you are new to our organisation or need a refresher!
What if I am still unclear about anything to do with volunteering at Young Citizens?
The Young Citizens team is always there to support you and answer any questions you may have regarding your volunteering. If you feel that you need further support upon the completion of this guide, please get in touch at [email protected].

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Young Citizens
Young Citizens

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